Quantum computing : where do we want to go tomorrow?
Quantum Computation (S. Braunstein). The Los Alamos Trapped Ion Quantum Computer Experiment (R. Hughes, et al.). Experimental Primer on the Trapped Ion Quantum Computer (D. Weineland, et al.). Measurement and State Preparation via Ion Trap Quantum Computing (S. Schneider, et al.). Photon--Wavepackets as Flying Quantum Bits (K. Gheri, et al.). Quantum Logic Gate Operating on Atomic Scattering by Standing Wave Field in Bragg Regime (A. Khan & M. Zubairy). Models of Quantum Turing Machines (P. Benioff). Space, Time, Parallelism and Noise Requirements for Reliable Quantum Computing (A. Steane). The Quantum Hamming and Hexacodes (Th. Beth & M. Grassl). Tight Bounds on Quantum Searching (M. Boyer, et al.). Making an Empty Promise with a Quantum Computer (H. Chau & H.--K. Lo). Flocks of Quantum Clones: Multiple Copying of Qubits (V. Buzck, et al.). Information Gain vs. State Disturbance in Quantum Theory (Ch. Fuchs). On Multi--Particle Entanglement (N. Linden & S. Popescu). Generalized Coherent States and Phase--Space--Interference in Multi--Mode Systems (M. Gagen). Index.