Modeling online teaching and learning to pre- and in- service teachers through the use of the web 2.0 social networking tool NING

The rise of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools for “anytime, anywhere” learning is impacting K-12 and teacher education programs. Many teacher education (TED) faculty and professional development (PD) providers are now encouraged or required at a minimum to incorporate an online learning component into courses. Not only are they teaching the required course content to preand in-service teachers in an online environment, but are also modeling the use of that environment to teachers who will ultimately be required to design, develop, and provide online instruction to their future students. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss: (1) transitioning instruction from face-to-face to an online learning environment, (2) examples of learning activities to implement with the Web 2.0 social networking tool NING, and (3) implications the NING has for those instructing preand in-service teachers.