뉴 오피스 환경과 경영혁신에 관한 연구 ( 3 ) - 워크스테이션 가구 - New Office Environment and Innovation of the Management ( 3 ) - Workstation Furniture -
While the office environment is recognized to be an important matter in advanced countries. though partially. improvement of office environment become interesting in our country. The office environment of our counrty have been unchanged for a long time. Because, it is thought that business may be performed through only a desk and chair. However as the company of office furniture appears, the condition is changing. So, this paper is the third of series research for the improvement of new office environment. The purpose of this paper is that concepts of workstation is studied. And through prototype of design and case study of foreign countries. I aim to contribute to improvement of office environment of internal companies.
The objectives of case study are “ Herman Miller". “ IBM" . “ Mitsubishi Electric" and “ BUG & dB SOFT" .