E-World and Real World. From Analysing Concepts Towards Integrating Approaches

Despite the fact that the e-World is already "Real" and the real world becomes increasingly "Electronic", the conceptual gap between them is yet vast. To shrink it, we need trans-disciplinary approaches, able to integrate biased perspectives. The starting point is an analysis of the basic concepts (including main myths and metaphors). "Towards" means both that the target is within reach and that this research represents only an instance within a frame.The paper aims at supporting innovation in IT by boosting synergy at multiple echelons (from trans-disciplinary in approach to trans-paradigmatic in implementation). Basic sub-goals: a) Shrinking the gap between the humanist perspective and the technologist one b) Promoting an anthropocentric perspective by starting with stimuli from the real world expressed by (old and new) ideas regarding the (re)construction of a World/e-World balance c) Illustrating a positive e-World response by sketching innovative, synergy-based, experimental IT models, considering metaphors linked to those ideas.Among the conclusions: based on semantic transfer, transdisciplinary metaphors are a promising path to get closer humanists and technologists; from an engineering perspective the same solution quality can be reached more effectively.This two co-authors’ study was held and firstly published into the proceedings CONTEMPORARY NATURAL-ARTIFICIAL DUALISM, University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2005/Nicolae Bulz being the Volume Editor, and the proponent and chairperson for the CONTEMPORARY NATURAL-ARTIFICIAL DUALISM Symposium within the WOSC 13th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, 6-10 July, 2005, Maribor, Slovenia. Sadly, but realistically, the relations between the two co-authors are far from the 2005 realm of co-operation and scientific collaboration. This is a possible real lifes’ track: from scientific friendship toward scientific separation – this last stage note is written by the second co-author.