Durabilidad e infraestructura: retos e impacto socioeconómico
Dam ages for du ra bil ity in in fra struc ture have not only af fected the con crete struc tures be hav ior, they also have eco nomic re per cus sions that are key points to de ter mine the prof it abil ity of a pro ject in oc ca sions. This ar ti cle an a lyzes the ad van tages to ap ply in the con struc tive prac tice the de sign for du ra bil ity of a con crete struc ture. Philosophy of the de sign by du ra bil ity is pre sented, a tool and tech no log i cal con cept that, well ap plied, it can drive to the in dus try of the con struc tion to have a op ti mi za tion of ma te ri als dur ing the XXI cen tury, be ing able to build struc tures with a lon ger life and smaller main te nance costs, with the pur pose that the con struc tion par tic i pates in more mea sure to achieve a sus tain able de vel op ment in our coun try.