Environmental control technology R and D requirements for energy storage systems

The results of an extensive literature search have revealed many environmental impacts that can be expected to occur upon the implementation of the various energy storage technologies. The range of impacts is not limited solely to the physical plant housing the technology. An installation for an industrial flywheel storage device has few environmental impacts, which is also true for a similar installation for lead-acid batteries. However, to achieve wide usage of lead-acid batteries as a storage system, the expansion of mining and smelting of lead will be required. The mining and smelting operations cause larger environmental impacts than the operation of the battery energy storage facility. Flywheels used for transportation locomotion present a potentially dangerous situation resulting from flying fragments from accidental collision. It must be assumed that engineering design will mitigate this problem as it would for batteries in cars. A certain amount of impact commonality exists among the various systems. The environmental impacts from facility construction before use and disposal after use are essentially the same for each of the storage technologies except where decontamination operations would be required.