A Tailoring Guide for the Use of DoD-STD-2167A, Defense System Software Development in Concert with DoD-STD-7935A DoD Automated Information Systems (AIS) Documentation Standards
Abstract : This handbook provides guidance in tailoring DOD-STD-2167A, 'Defense System Software Development,: for use in concert with DOD-STD-7935A, 'DOD automated Information Systems (AIS) Documentation Standards,: for AIS development. It includes a checklist of True/False statements and associated tailoring actions which, when completed, can be attached to a Statement of Work. The result should be a contract that takes advantage of the software engineering and management approaches emvodied in DOD-STD-2167A while maintaining the use of the superior documentation items associated with DOD-STD-7935A. It should be noted that other tailoring of DOD-STD-2167A may be required to adjust the names of the life cycle phases, the reviews and audits, and required actions/products to those necessary to conform with other AIS requirements. DOD-STD-7935A, DOD- STD-2167A, Life Cycle Phases, Documentation, Standards, AIS