Paper No P33: Large‐Area Printed Transparent Electrodes for Flexible Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes

We report large area gravure‐printed flexible and transparent polymer electrodes for plastic electronics and in particular their application in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) for displays and lighting applications. The polymer electrodes are prepared from vapour‐phase polymerised poly(3,4‐ethylene‐dioxythiophene) (VPP‐PEDOT). Gravure printing has been selected for this work owing to its proven compatibility with low‐cost and high volume roll‐to‐roll manufacturing. The printed VPP‐PEDOT thin films were characterised for their conductivity, transparency, work function and surface roughness. After optimisation of printed VPP‐PEDOT thin film transparent electrodes, large‐area‐ITO free OLEDs were demonstrated.