Simplification of mine compressed air systems

Insufficient generating capacity forced Eskom, the primary electricity producer in South Africa, to delay maintenance. This caused deterioration in generation plant health and performance. Eskom is currently expanding their generation capacity to curb the high demand. This is expensive and time consuming. Energy efficiency projects are an alternative approach to match supply and demand. These projects are also generally less expensive than new generation plant. Mining contributes substantially towards South Africa's electricity demand. Compressed air generation is regarded as one of the most expensive means of energy distribution. Energy efficiency projects on mine compressed air systems could therefore substantially reduce electricity demand. It is difficult to analyse energy efficiency potential on mine compressed air systems due to the size, complexity and age of most of these systems. Most simulation models also require system information that is not always readily available. A simplified approach is required to analyse and identify energy efficiency measures on these systems. A new approach to simplify mine compressed air systems was developed to identify saving opportunities by using limited information. This new approach enables easier system analysis than complex simulation models. The simulation model was used to analyse energy efficiency interventions on four mine compressed air systems. The saving strategies led to an average saving of 12.65 MW.