Optimal input selection for neural machine interfaces predicting multiple non-explicit outputs

This study implemented a novel algorithm that optimally selects inputs for neural machine interface (NMI) devices intended to control multiple outputs and evaluated its performance on systems lacking explicit output. NMIs often incorporate signals from multiple physiological sources and provide predictions for multidimensional control, leading to multiple-input multiple-output systems. Further, NMIs often are used with subjects who have motor disabilities and thus lack explicit motor outputs. Our algorithm was tested on simulated multiple-input multiple-output systems and on electromyogram and kinematic data collected from healthy subjects performing arm reaches. Effects of output noise in simulated systems indicated that the algorithm could be useful for systems with poor estimates of the output states, as is true for systems lacking explicit motor output. To test efficacy on physiological data, selection was performed using inputs from one subject and outputs from a different subject. Selection was effective for these cases, again indicating that this algorithm will be useful for predictions where there is no motor output, as often is the case for disabled subjects. Further, prediction results generalized for different movement types not used for estimation. These results demonstrate the efficacy of this algorithm for the development of neural machine interfaces.