In the first section of the paper, the authors try to give a complete picture on the obligatory electricity off-take system, and the Hungarian tariff structure using the schedule and production data of wind power plants for 2010, errors of the schedule has been calculated. For better understanding of the results, persistence forecasting techniques are used for comparison. In the second part of the paper, a possible method is proposed to decrease the error of forecasts by using energy storage. A simulation tool has been developed to simulate the cooperation of a wind farm and an energy storage unit. Using the data of 2010, both financial and technical aspects were examined. The results show, that such unit is able to mitigate the error of the forecasts, even with simple control. Based on the results of the simulations, the authors propose a future way for both generating units and the TSO.
I. Valencia-Salazar,et al.
WEL-IUA a new economic laboratory website for energy auctions
Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics (IYCE).
A. Yu. Vasilyeva,et al.
Oscillography of transient processes at physical phase-to-ground fault modeling in operational 6-35 kV networks
Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics (IYCE).
Andras Dan,et al.
Wind power prediction, system regulation cost and CO2 emission as function of energy storage - simulation tool for problem solving
2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech.
B. Roberts,et al.
Capturing grid power
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine.