Hole-Drilling Method for Residual Stress Measurement - Consideration of Elastic-Plastic Material Properties

Two commonly used mechanical methods for the determination of residual stresses are the hole-drilling method and the ring-core method, which can be regarded as semi-destructive. The most restricting limitation for the general applicability of both methods, according to the current state of science and technology, is the fact that the scope for relatively low residual stress under 60% of the yield stress is limited.This is a result of the notch effect of the hole or ring core, which leads to a plastification around and on the bottom of the hole and ring shaped groove already at stresses well below the yield stress of the material. The elastic evaluation of the resulting plastic strains leads consequently to an overestimation of the delineated residual stresses. In this paper the influence of elastic-plastic material properties no the specific calibration function for the hole-drilling method using the differential method is studied, and the method of adaptive calibration functions is presented.