78 29:; ?@93ABCD%&EF:GHIJ !"KL'(M9NOPQDRISTUVWXYZ@9RGB 3US[3UL\]M^ !"K_"`aM9)*+L bc. de, X)fghijgklLM^kl8mnhop9qrstuM^vw)xLy9RGBS[3ULz9c. )*+y9c{|}L~WVhVL8U X2"RGB 3Uh[3UU >c. [VWM^ !"K_",-QDc. _"'(!"K(computer- generated hologram, CGH) LM^QD !"K_"`ac. b)*+wC/C++/CUDA",-M, LabView a82YLMc. M^!"KL'(M9w#$E(general-purpose computing on graphics processing unit, GPGPU)Mc. b)*+LM^'( !"KwWc6LX c9LiJMc. AbstractRecently the attention on digital hologram that is regarded as to be the final goal of the 3-dimensional video technology has been increased. A digital hologram can be generated with a depth and a RGB image. We proposed a new system to capture RGB and depth images and to convert them to digital holograms. First a new cold mirror was designed and produced. It has the different transmittance ratio against various wave length and can provide the same view and focal point to the cameras. After correcting various distortions with the camera system, the different resolution between depth and RGB images was adjusted. The interested object was extracted by using the depth information. Finally a digital hologram was generated with the computer generated hologram (CGH) algorithm. All algorithms were implemented with C/C++/CUDA and integrated in LabView environment. A hologram was calculated in the general-purpose computing on graphics processing unit (GPGPU) for high-speed operation. We identified that the visual quality of the hologram produced by the proposed system is better than the previous one. Keyword : digital hologram, computer-generated hologram (CGH), RGB+depth camera, vertically structured camera system ¢£(Special Paper) 17 6 , 2012 11(JBE Vol. 17, No. 6, November 2012)http://dx.doi.org/10.5909/JBE.2012.17.6.964ISSN 1226-7953(Print)
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