Large-Scale Distribution Planning—Part II: Macro-Optimization With Voronoi's Diagram And Tabu Search

This paper is the second of two and presents a planning methodology for low-voltage distribution network planning. Combined optimization of transformers and associated networks is applied, considering the street layout which connects the different consumers. In the first section, a planning zone division into smaller mini-zones is performed; the smaller zones are optimized independently. This second section develops macro-optimization methodologies that use the results and techniques of the previous stage, which allow performing a global analysis of the planning zone. Three methodologies are proposed, one based on Voronoi polygons to obtain irregular mini-zones that incorporate proximity between consumers. Another is based on network recombination, with the purpose of finding potential savings produced by combining neighboring networks. Lastly, the sequential application of Voronoi polygons and network recombination is performed. The methodology is applied to a zone having 20 215 consumers distributed in an area of 12.9 km2 , corresponding to a district in the city of Santiago, Chile, to subsequently apply this to the entire city, an area having a surface of 2118 km2 and approximately 1300 000 customers.