Effects of NOxcontrol and plume mixing on nighttime chemical processing of plumes from coal‐fired power plants

[1] Coal-fired electric power plants produce a large fraction of total U.S. NOx emissions, but NOx from this sector has been declining in the last decade owing to installation of control technology. Nighttime aircraft intercepts of plumes from two different Texas power plants (Oklaunion near Wichita Falls and W. A. Parish near Houston) with different control technologies demonstrate the effect of these reductions on nighttime NOxoxidation rates. The analysis shows that the spatial extent of nighttime-emitted plumes to be quite limited and that mixing of highly concentrated plume NOx with ambient ozone is a determining factor for its nighttime oxidation. The plume from the uncontrolled plant had full titration of ozone through 74 km/2.4 h of downwind transport that suppressed nighttime oxidation of NO2 to higher oxides of nitrogen across the majority of the plume. The plume from the controlled plant did not have sufficient NOx to titrate background ozone, which led to rapid nighttime oxidation of NO2 during downwind transport. A plume model that includes horizontal mixing and nighttime chemistry reproduces the observed structures of the nitrogen species in the plumes from the two plants. The model shows that NOx controls not only reduce the emissions directly but also lead to an additional overnight NOx loss of 36–44% on average. The maximum reduction for 12 h of transport in darkness was 73%. The results imply that power plant NOxemissions controls may produce a larger than linear reduction in next-day, downwind ozone production following nighttime transport.

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