Integrated Receptor Database

A database for receptors on cell membrane has been developed. The system can collect data items such as attributes of proteins from distributed data sources on the Internet. Such sources include internationally standard biological databases such as the updated genetic database of PIR, Swiss Prot, PDB, GenBank, EMBL and GDB. The system provides various viewing tools that e ectively displays di erent types of receptor data; DNA sequences, amino acids sequences, DNA binding sites, ligand binding sites, gene and disease information, and the protein structural information. It can also display three dimensional images using a freeware program RASMOL. DNA binding sites, ligand binding sites and active sites are classi ed by coloring the sequences. PDB matching sites are classi ed by italicization. CSNDB (Cell Signaling Networks Database), which is a database for cellular signal transduction of human is also linked in the system. The database may be useful for quick reference for ligand membrane receptors and signal transduction in the drug design.