ZEISS Angioplex™ Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: Technical Aspects.

ZEISS Angioplex™ optical coherence tomography (OCT) angiography generates high-resolution three-dimensional maps of the retinal and choroidal microvasculature while retaining all of the capabilities of the existing CIRRUS™ HD-OCT Model 5000 instrument. Angioplex™ OCT angiographic imaging on the CIRRUS™ HD-OCT platform was made possible by increasing the scanning rate to 68,000 A-scans per second and introducing improved tracking software known as FastTrac™ retinal-tracking technology. The generation of en face microvascular flow images with Angioplex™ OCT uses an algorithm known as OCT microangiography-complex, which incorporates differences in both the phase and intensity information contained within sequential B-scans performed at the same position. Current scanning patterns for en face angiographic visualization include a 3 × 3 and a 6 × 6 mm scan pattern on the retina. A volumetric dataset showing erythrocyte flow information can then be displayed as a color-coded retinal depth map in which the microvasculature of the superficial, deep, and avascular layers of the retina are displayed together with the colors red, representing the superficial microvasculature; green, representing the deep retinal vasculature; and blue, representing any vessels present in the normally avascular outer retina. Each retinal layer can be viewed separately, and the microvascular layers representing the choriocapillaris and the remaining choroid can be viewed separately as well. In addition, readjusting the contours of the slabs to target different layers of interest can generate custom en face flow images. Moreover, each en face flow image is accompanied by an en face intensity image to help with the interpretation of the flow results. Current clinical experience with this technology would suggest that OCT angiography should replace fluorescein angiography for retinovascular diseases involving any area of the retina that can be currently scanned with the CIRRUS™ HD-OCT instrument and may replace fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography for some choroidal vascular diseases.