Analysis of the Current Navy Enlisted Detailing Process

Abstract : America's diverse political climate and flourishing economic conditions have forced the Navy to look inward to combat recruiting and retention shortfalls. The detailing process, if properly managed, can positively affect Navy retention rates. The enlisted detailing process accomplishes its mission: assigning Sailors to billets; however, it may do so without optimizing efficiency or effectiveness. Sailor preferences and command requirements provide crucial insights ensuring the Navy focuses on improving operational readiness, maintaining fleet balance, and retaining quality Sailors. Reviewing the detailing process, stakeholders, and policies reveals concerns with the current detailing system biases and inaccessibility. Four areas of pathology within the system are: policy and procedure issues, information systems concerns, career counseling matters, and detailer considerations. Research indicates that current electronic-based interaction has a positive affect and that additional interaction might continue to positively affect the detailing process.