Visual and Nondestructive Evaluation of Red Pines Supporting a Ropes Course in the USFS Nesbit Lake Camp, Sidnaw, Michigan

On Wednesday, September 13, 2006 through Friday, September 15, 2006, forestry scientists from Michigan Technological University and their cooperators conduct­ ed decay detection tests on 10 red pines supporting a ropes course in the United States Forest Service (USFS) Nesbit Lake Camp in Sidnaw, Michigan. The Copper CountIy Intermediate School District (CCISD), Hancock, Michigan, cooperated with the USFS in providing the recreational ropes course for use by students and other groups. The purpose of the project, in addition to detect­ ing decay, was to research the reliability of detection pro­ tocols and to compare results of the various equipment used. The research team and others present were: • John Forsman, Assistant Scientist, School of For­ est Resources and Environmental Science, Michi­ gan Technological University, Houghton, MI • John Erickson, Retired Director of the USDA For­ est Products Laboratory and Research Scientist at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI • Robert Ross, Project Leader, USDA Forest Prod­ ucts Laboratory, Madison, WI