Hints inLowCostSolutions forNetworked Control Systems
Thepaperpresents aspects regarding different variable t-time), andj(s) fortheir Laplace transforms (with possibilities torepresent thecontrol problems innetworked theindependent variable s-operational variable) will beused control systems (NCSs) characterized byvariable timedelays. inthesequel; inaddition, thetimevariable will beomitted to Theoperational computations inlinear systems analysis and simplify thepresentation. design fortheplants specific toNCSswithemphasis onthe Theblock diagram ofaconventional CSreferred toalso as transfer functions, rotloci andfrequency domain analysis are iranvestited. u iow cost locin andfrequzzcy control so sios are control loop ispresented forthelinear caseinFig. 2, where: r investigated. Low costlinear andfuzzy control solutions are eeec nu,d-dsubneipt(os) oto offered tocompensate forthetimedelays. -reference input, d-disturbance input (noise), e-control error, u- control signal, Cp- transfer function oflinear I.INTRODUCTION controller that canbereplaced byalow-cost fuzzy controller Networked control systems (NCSs) havealotofbenefits (FC) forCSperformance enhancement, P - transfer function on technologies inlinking datapoints likecomputersofcontrolled plant, whichisnotarational formincaseof enabling remotedatatransfers anddataexchanges among plants with time delays, y-controlled output. users, reducing thecomplexity inwiring connections andthe costs ofmedias, andproviding easeinmaintenance. Dueto d theseattractive features, manyindustrial companies and If institutes haveshowninterest inapplying networks forremote . . ~~~~~~~~~this transfer function. systems characterization intheoperational domain, which are define asth Lalc tranf rmofoupudiie toth Themajority ofapplications usetheapproximation of Laplace transform orinput inzeroinitial conditions; theinputopnlptf.whteraialomin() andoutputfunctions mustbe original functions. The abbreviation ftt) fororiginal functions (with theindependent