An Introduction to Law and Regulation: Contents

[1]  G. Calabresi,et al.  Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Inalienability: One View of the Cathedral , 1972 .

[2]  G. Stigler,et al.  Law Enforcement, Malfeasance, and Compensation of Enforcers , 1974, The Journal of Legal Studies.

[3]  R. Posner,et al.  The Private Enforcement of Law , 1974, The Journal of Legal Studies.

[4]  Richard B. Stewart,et al.  The Reformation of American Administrative Law , 1975, The Political Economy.

[5]  Lewis A. Kornhauser,et al.  Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: The Case of Divorce , 1979, Discussions in Dispute Resolution.

[6]  INTRODUCTION: Distinguishing Penalties and Incentives , 1980 .


[8]  C. Sunstein,et al.  Public Programs and Private Rights , 1982 .

[9]  Colin S. Diver,et al.  The Optimal Precision of Administrative Rules , 1983 .

[10]  G. Becker,et al.  A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence , 1983 .

[11]  Renate Mayntz,et al.  The Conditions of Effective Public Policy: A New Challenge For Policy Analysis , 1983 .

[12]  Robert D. Cooter,et al.  Prices and Sanctions , 1984 .

[13]  G. Frug The Ideology of Bureaucracy in American Law , 1984 .

[14]  John T. Scholz Cooperation, Deterrence, and the Ecology of Regulatory Enforcement , 1984 .

[15]  E. Meidinger Regulatory Culture: A Theoretical Outline , 1987 .

[16]  John Braithwaite,et al.  An Enforcement Taxonomy of Regulatory Agencies , 1987 .

[17]  T. Tietenberg Economic Instruments for Environmental Regulation , 1990 .

[18]  R. Baldwin Why Rules Don't Work , 1990 .

[19]  Robert A. Kagan,et al.  Adversarial legalism and American government , 1991 .

[20]  L. Edelman,et al.  Legal Ambiguity and the Politics of Compliance: Affirmative Action Officers' Dilemma , 1991 .

[21]  Arend Lijphart Constitutional Choices for New Democracies , 1995 .

[22]  C. Whelan,et al.  The Elusive Spirit of the Law: Formalism and the Struggle for Legal Control , 1991 .

[23]  Kenneth Mann Punitive Civil Sanctions: The Middleground Between Criminal and Civil Law , 1992 .

[24]  The Multiple Middlegrounds between Civil and Criminal Law , 1992 .

[25]  Coffee,et al.  Paradigms Lost: The Blurring of the Criminal and Civil Law Models--And What Can Be Done About It , 1992 .

[26]  Steven Shavell,et al.  The Optimal Structure of Law Enforcement , 1993, The Journal of Law and Economics.

[27]  M. King,et al.  The Ambitious Modesty of Niklas Luhmann , 1994 .

[28]  COMPLIANCE WITH WHAT?: The Fundamental Regulatory Question , 1994 .

[29]  Private law and the environment: nuisance in context* , 1995 .

[30]  Anthony Ogus,et al.  Rethinking Self-Regulation , 1995 .

[31]  Andrew Dunsire,et al.  Tipping the Balance , 1996 .

[32]  G. Búrca The Quest for Legitimacy in the European Union , 1996 .

[33]  R. Dehousse Regulation by networks in the European Community: the role of European agencies , 1997 .

[34]  M. Brans,et al.  The autopoiesis of administrative systems: Niklas Luhmann on public administration and public policy , 1997 .

[35]  S. Silbey Let them eat cake : Globalization, postmodern colonialism, and the possibilities of justice , 1997 .

[36]  Giandomenico Majone,et al.  The new European agencies: regulation by information , 1997 .

[37]  Darren Sinclair,et al.  Self‐Regulation Versus Command and Control? Beyond False Dichotomies , 1997 .

[38]  J. Neyer,et al.  Transforming strategic interaction into deliberative problem-solving: European comitology in the foodstuffs sector , 1997 .

[39]  Giandomenico Majone,et al.  From the Positive to the Regulatory State: Causes and Consequences of Changes in the Mode of Governance , 1997, Journal of Public Policy.

[40]  C. Joerges,et al.  From Intergovernmental Bargaining to Deliberative Political Processes: The Constitutionalisation of Comitology , 1997 .

[41]  Tort Law and Victorian Government Growth: The Historiographical Significance of Tort in the Shadow of Chemical Pollution and Factory Safety Regulation , 1998 .

[42]  K. Yeung Privatizing Competition Regulation , 1998 .

[43]  Ortwin Renn Three decades of risk research: accomplishments and new challenges , 1998 .

[44]  Compliance Professionalism and Regulatory Community: The Australian Trade Practices Regime , 1999 .

[45]  Theorising Utility Regulation , 1999 .

[46]  S. Klein Redrawing the Criminal-Civil Boundary , 1999 .

[47]  J. Wiener Global Environmental Regulation: Instrument Choice in Legal Context , 1999 .

[48]  Julia Black,et al.  Proceduralizing Regulation: Part II , 2000 .

[49]  Colin Scott Accountability in the Regulatory State , 2000 .

[50]  D. Charny Regulatory Competition and the Global Coordination of Labor Standards , 2000 .

[51]  Oliver James,et al.  Regulation Inside Government: Public Interest Justifications and Regulatory Failures , 2000 .

[52]  Liberalization and Democratization: The Forum and the Hearth in the Era of Cosmopolitan Post-Industrial Capitalism , 2000 .

[53]  Of Coase and Corn: A (Sort of) Defense of Private Nuisance , 2000 .

[54]  J. Steele Participation and Deliberation in Environmental Law: Exploring a Problem-solving Approach , 2001 .

[55]  There's Regulatory Crime, and then there's Landlord Crime: from 'Rachmanites' to 'Partners' , 2001 .

[56]  J. Black Decentring Regulation: Understanding the Role of Regulation and Self-Regulation in a ‘Post-Regulatory’ World , 2001 .

[57]  D. Vogel,et al.  The Changing Character of Regulation: A Comparison of Europe and the United States , 2001, Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

[58]  Michael Moran,et al.  Review Article: Understanding the Regulatory State , 2002, British Journal of Political Science.

[59]  C. Scott Private Regulation of the Public Sector: A Neglected Facet of Contemporary Governance , 2002 .

[60]  Dara O'Rourke,et al.  Outsourcing Regulation: Analyzing Nongovernmental Systems of Labor Standards and Monitoring , 2003 .

[61]  B. Morgan The Economization of Politics: Meta-Regulation as a Form of Nonjudicial Legality , 2003 .

[62]  R. Shamir,et al.  Between self-regulation and the Alien Tort Claims Act: On the contested concept of corporate social responsibility , 2004 .

[63]  Roger Brownsword,et al.  Code, control, and choice: why East is East and West is West , 2005, Legal Studies.

[64]  Sophie Meunier,et al.  Nested and overlapping regimes in the transatlantic banana trade dispute , 2006 .