ESO Imaging Survey: Past Activities and Future Prospects

The ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) is an ongoing project to carry out public imaging surveys to support programs on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT). The first phase of the project started in July 1997 and consisted of a moderately deep, large-area survey (EIS-WIDE) and a deep optical/infrared survey (EIS-DEEP) using the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT). EIS has recently reached another milestone with the completion of a Pilot Survey using the Wide-Field Image (WFI), an 8k by 8k mosaic CCD camera mounted on the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope at La Silla. This paper briefly reviews the results of the original EIS and gives an update of the results obtained from the observations carried out as part of the Pilot Survey. Work in progress on the development of an advanced pipeline for handling data from large CCD mosaics and facilities to make the access to data products easier for external users are also discussed.