Communication within on-line forums: the opportunities, the constraints and the value of a communicative approach

Abstract This paper is an investigation of the nature and the value of asynchronous on-line discussion within small groups of learners. It draws on research into the experiences of adult learners within short courses and formal post degree settings in which it was found that learners valued on-line discussion but experienced several constraints on participation. It is suggested that the nature of the medium means that there is a high threshold for many to cross before entering discussion. The paper explores the attributes of on-line forums in depth and describes how these attributes may be seen by different learners. It discusses how forums afford communication including the exchange of personal information (e.g. introductions between members of a group) and of sustained reflection on course readings and other learners' writings (e.g. peer review of essays). The paper goes on to argue that there is a particular educational value in a communicative approach to on-line discussion which draws both on knowledge gained from practical experience and that gained from theoretical insight.