On the Transmission Characteristics of PSK Signals in Satellite Communication with Nonlinearity and Band-Width Limitation

In transmitting a modulated signal through a satellite, the signal is affected by both the nonlinearity of the satellite transponder and the band­ width limitation of transmit/receive filters. This paper investigates the combined effects of these factors on the performance of PSK systems. For the receive filter, two filters are assumed, namely, a matched filter which provides the optimum performance in a linear system and an integrate-and-dump filter which integrates the incoming signals during a symbol duration. The nonlinearity of the satellite is assum­ ed as a hard limiter and the performance is compared with that of a linear amplifier. It is shown that the performance for the matched filter is degraded by the hard limiter, while the integrate-and-dump filter gives the performace improvement under the hardlimitted condition.