Some Modeling Issues on Trailing-Edge Vortex Shedding

Anumericalstudyhasbeencarriedouttoinvestigatemodelingissuesontrailing-edgevortexshedding.Thevortex shedding from a circular cylinder and a VKI turbine blade is calculated using a two-dimensional unsteady multiblock Navier ‐Stokes solver. The unsteady stresses are calculated from the unsteady solutions. The distributions of the unsteady stresses are analyzed and compared for the cylinder case and the cascade case, respectively. The time-averaged equationsare then solved, and the effectiveness of the unsteady stresses in suppressing trailing-edge vortexsheddingischecked.Finally,thetime-independentsolutionproducedbysolvingthetime-averagedequations iscompared with thetime-averaged solution obtained by integrating theunsteady solutions. Thenumerical results havedemonstrated thata time-independentvortex shedding solution can be achieved by solving theNavier ‐Stokes equations with the unsteady stresses and the time-averaged effects of the vortex shedding can be included.