In this paper we present an integrated system developed in order to record, construct, pre-process, manage,
visualize and visually navigate 3D models reality based of large archeological and architectural sites for
eHeritage GIS systems. The framework integrates structured geometrical and documentary information
resulting from multiple sources with the aim to enhance the knowledge of those sites within the frame of its
historical evolution and its institutional management in a 3D GIS/DB. The developed applications were
designed for different types of users, with a largely scalable interface, able to support different output
devices and to work at different levels of iconicity. The system allows a full comprehension of the buildings
in their own context, permitting to discover unknown relationships, to evaluate their architectural occupancy
and to quickly access a complex system of information. The framework has been tested in two different
systems - designed and developed to satisfy both internal (cataloguing, documentation, preservation,
management of archaeological heritage) and external (communication through the web portal) purposes:
the first, in Pompeii, developed in order to have a web-based system that uses Open Source software and
complies with national and international standards; the second one, a prototype designed to make available
on the Google Earth platform the complete Palladian corpus documentation implemented by the CISAAP.
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