Dual band sectorial slot circular pac-man antenna by using leucaena leucocephala bio-composite substrate

In this paper, sectorial slot Pac-man antenna for dual band frequency, 1.6GHz for emergency radio show bit ship-standard (EPIRB) and 2.4 GHz wireless local area network (WLAN) was proposed. The back to back comparison between normal circular patch and proposed patch was demonstrated to see the relevancy of proposing the sectorial slot method to performed as dual band and enhance the bandwidth. The uniqueness of the design was rely on the small tuning circular at the centre of the design to control the resonant frequency desired was also proposed. The design was prove to enhance the bandwidth with 1.1 GHz, maintained the gain about 5dBi by using bio-composite leucaena leucochephala substrate (εr = 3.06, Loss δ =0.0082). Then, the proposed antenna was analysed in term of return loss, voltage standing wave (VSWR), radiation pattern and gain.