Technical approach for in situ biological treatment research: Bench-scale experiments. Final report
The US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station has assessed the potential of in situ biotreatment for remediation of contaminated aquifers. The objectives of this effort were to determine the knowledge gaps associated with in situ biotreatment, identify knowledge gaps in applications methodology, and to develop a research program that will improve the field applicability of the technology. The assessment involved review of pertinent literature, discussions with key authorities in the field, interviews with individuals associated with companies having experience with the application of in situ biotreatment at contaminated sites, and review of 27 case studies. A description of pertinent design components required for proper implementation is presented. The successes and failures of past attempts at implementing in situ biotreatment are discussed. Finally, a bench-scale research approach is presented that will bridge many of the knowledge gaps identified. This approach will result in conversion of in situ biotreatment to a viable remediation technology applicable to numerous contaminated military sites. Bench studies, Microbes, In situ biotreatment, Site remediation.