An introduction to spatial and mobile object detection, spatial analysis and visualization using geographical information system and remote sensing

This paper is intended to provide better insight into Geographical Information System especially from geospatial technical development perspective. It includes brief introduction into GIS and Remote Sensing. Start from early development GIS as a desktop computing, it has been proved as a power tool in planning and decision making process. It has been able to provide timely accurate and timely information. The strength of GIS in early development is laid on the capability of GIS and Remote Sensing in modelling, analyzing spatial relationships of complex active process, multi criteria decision making and predict spatial object distribution. The overlaying techniques in determining and classifying the underlying process, geographical object has been ever really amazing. In this regard, simultaneously GIS is able to produce information in the form of texts, tabular, chart, thematic and chlorotic map visualization. This capacity is due to a strong component of GIS software which include database management, photogrammetric, geoinformatic engineering, cartographic techniques, word processor and mathematical calculator that are embedded in the GIS Software. Because of these components, GIS is not only able to answer question of what but also to answer question of where. In this regard every geographical object is described by attributes and geometric aspect of the underlying objects. This allows the possibility to detect and to trace the location of static and mobile geographical objects. In early ninety, the strength of GIS has been increased by incorporating 3 D modelling for digital terrain model, landscape, and geomorphology or earth surface and built environment including urban city, road development. In addition to this ninety development, Civil Engineering, Public Health, Mining, Flight Company, City Council, Ministry of Defend, Ministry of transportation, Highway management have been also explored and used. During this period the question of quality information handled and produced by GIS has been big issue. Through intensive research data quality parameters and frameworks, standards, produced by Open GIS Consortium have been also incorporated into GIS. In Malaysia there are several GIS and Remote Sensing have been also development including MACRES and MC GDI.