Sensitivity of Idealized Squall-Line Simulations to the Level of Complexity Used in Two-Moment Bulk Microphysics Schemes

AbstractThis paper investigates the level of complexity that is needed within bulk microphysics schemes to represent the essential features associated with deep convection. To do so, the sensitivity of surface precipitation is evaluated in two-dimensional idealized squall-line simulations with respect to the level of complexity in the bulk microphysics schemes of H. Morrison et al. and of J. A. Milbrandt and M. K. Yau. Factors examined include the number of predicted moments for each of the precipitating hydrometeors, the number and nature of ice categories, and the conversion term formulations. First, it is shown that simulations of surface precipitation and cold pools are not only a two-moment representation of rain, as suggested by previous research, but also by two-moment representations for all precipitating hydrometeors. Cold pools weakened when both rain and graupel number concentrations were predicted, because size sorting led to larger graupel particles that melted into larger raindrops and cause...

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