Caracteristiques de trois systemes informatiques de transcription phonetique et graphemique (Characteristics of Three Computer-Based Systems of Phonetic and Graphemic Transcription).

Three computer-based systems for phonetic/graphemic transcription of language are described, compared, and contrasted. The text is entirely in French, with examples given from the French language. The Three approaches to transcription are: (1) text entered in standard typography and exiting in phonetic transcription with markers for rhythmic groupings; (2) text entered in poor typography, exiting as for (1) above; and (3) text entered in poor typography, exiting in standard typography. General considerations in developing such transcription approaches are noted, and details of the transcription method are outlined. These aspects of the three transcription methods are then examined: treatment of words whose pronunciation or spelling is ambiguous; grammatical analysis parameters and methods; contextual analysis; reliability of the linguistic and textual analyses; treatment of foreign words and other linguistic anomalies. (MSE) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ***********************************************************************