[Study on twirling reinforcing-reducing manipulation based on the parameter figure of the acupuncture manipulation apparatus].

Explore the acupuncture manipulation and principle of twirling reinforcing-reducing to standardize manipulation of twirling reinforcing-reducing, so as to increase the therapeutic effect of acupuncture. The authors performed the manipulation of twirling reinforcing-reducing on the acupuncture manipulation apparatus in which were developed in the department of TCM engineering by rotating with the thumb forward as twirling-reinforcing method and the thumb backward as twirling-reducing method, respectively, and recorded these manipulation parameters and figures in real-time mode. At the same time, the lifting-thrusting manipulation curves could be exhibited in the twirling manipulation figures, with frequency synchronization between the two manipulation figures, the amplitude of the former being smaller than the latter, and the baseline of the lifting-thrusting manipulation curves in twirling-reinforcing manipulation figures being a gradual sinking and a gradual ascending in twirling-reducing manipulation figures. These findings indicate that twirling reinforcing-reducing manipulation includes slight lifting-thrusting manipulation, and twirling-reinforcing manipulation is accompanied by lifting force and twirling-reducing manipulation accompanied by thrusting force. The principle of twirling reinforcing-reducing manipulation is similar to that of lifting-thrusting reinforcing-reducing manipulation.