Evaluation of Antisepsis Efficect of Foam Type Quick-Drying Hand Disinfectant

Recently, quick-drying disinfectant including 0.2 w/v chlorhexidine gluconate/foam-alcohol (CHGFA) have been launched in Japan. In this study, the hand antiseptic eŠect and side eŠect of rough skin were compared for CHGFA with 0.2 w/v benzalkonium chloride/liquid-alcohol (BACLA), which is the standard product, or 0.2 w/v chlorhexidine gluconate/gel-alcohol (CHGGA). These three types of disinfectant showed similar antiseptic eŠects immediately after hand disinfectant. There was no diŠerence in the side eŠect of rough skin. In conclusion, the antiseptic property of CHGFA is eŠective, and is useful for hand disinfectant in clinical situations. Key wordsquick-drying disinfectant, foam disinfectant, 0.2 w/v chlorhexidine gluconat