Electron beam direct-write lithography systems are capable of meeting the resolution requirements of all future ITRS nodes and have a significant cost of ownership advantage over masked technologies, but these systems typically have very poor throughput due to space charge limitations. Ion Diagnostics has developed a multicolumn, multibeam (M×M™) direct-write system that circumvents the space charge limitations by spreading the electron current over the wafer. The resulting lithography system can achieve critical dimensions of less than 100 nm with production throughputs greater than 60 wafers per hour, independent of wafer size. In this article we describe the electron optical column used in this system. We have developed a novel, microfabricated electron gun that produces 32 parallel electron beams that are individually controlled and blanked and contain deflectors that allow the gun optics to act as a perfect lens. Each column is 2 cm×2 cm and can align and scan the 32 beams in parallel on the wafer. T...
R. Pease,et al.
Patterned negative electron affinity photocathodes for maskless electron beam lithography
Roger Fabian W. Pease,et al.
Space-charge-induced aberrations
N. William Parker,et al.
High-throughput NGL electron-beam direct-write lithography system
Advanced Lithography.
T. R. Groves,et al.
Distributed, multiple variable shaped electron beam column for high throughput maskless lithography
L. P. Muray,et al.
Arrayed miniature electron beam columns for high throughput sub-100 nm lithography
Junichi Kai,et al.
Multielectron beam blanking aperture array system SYNAPSE‐2000