How To Develop Successful New Products

"A huge leap forward in understanding and improving industrial innovation. It is equivalent to discovering a new fundamental! Organizations that take advantage of this awareness ...will undoubtedly have a distinct competitive edge." - Bobby M. Phillips, Research Fellow, Eastman Chemical Company. "A clear, precise explanation of why so many new products fail and a challenging blueprint for raising the success rate. Patrick combines the academic discipline of a scholar with the anecdotal knowledge of a practitioner, scars and all, to produce a valuable guide to successful new product development. A must-read." - Martin Edenbaum, Technical Consultant, Medical Product Development. "Jerry Patrick's novel and innovative theories and approaches are realistic, practical, and applicable to real-life product development and promotion." - Theresa A. Vialpondo-Spittler, President and Chief Executive Officer, VIA Enterprises, Incorporation. "Patrick's work for our global clients has reflected the incisive, creative strategies described in this book...We've worked together, globally, for almost ten years, and his theories and research procedures continue to generate actionable results for us. He is an inspiration and truly creative." - Kees Wetsema, President Wemar, "International Research". "Jerry Patrick's use of concept boards and focus groups is brilliant...The entire validity of a product's future is accurately evaluated, necessary changes identified, and the course of successful development and roll-out charted. This book goes directly to the heart of Patrick's theory ...[to] ensure the success of a new product in the marketplace." - Mike Grant, Course Manager, Corporate Learning Center US West Marketing Resources Group, Incorporation.