A grammar of contemporary Polish

ions or amorphous objects or spaces: w+L in w+A into z+G from w dali in the distance, w dal into the distance, z dali from out of the distance w t∏umie in the throng, w t∏um into the throng, z t∏umu out of the throng Surfaces, events, wide open places: na+L on, at na+A z+G na stole on the table, na sto∏ onto the table, ze sto∏u off the table na koncercie at the concert, na koncert to the concert, z koncertu from the concert na wsi in the country, na wieE to the country, ze wsi from the country Even when the location-at meaning is determined idiomatically, the movement-to and movement-from prepositions are still based on the static-location use. Thus, because of na poczcie at the post-office, one says na poczt to the post-office. 396 14. SIMPLE SENTENCE SYNTAX Persons, peoples, professional offices: