Three-Dimensional Reduced Inertial Sensor System/GPS Integration for Land-Based Vehicles

This chapter discusses a dead reckoning (DR) solution which is suitable for any wheel-based platform integrated with GPS. It eliminates several error sources that exist when using a traditional full IMU, especially low cost MEMS grade sensors. After discussing and analyzing the performance of a full IMU system, the theory of the methods employed to tackle sources of errors will be outlined. The reduced inertial sensor system is introduced and compared to a traditional full IMU, and its mechanization equations derived. This chapter discusses a dead reckoning (DR) solution which is suitable for any wheel-based platform integrated with GPS. It eliminates several error sources that exist when using a traditional full IMU, especially low cost MEMS grade sensors. After discussing and analyzing the performance of a full IMU system, the theory of the methods employed to tackle sources of errors will be outlined. The reduced inertial sensor system is introduced and compared to a traditional full IMU, and its mechanization equations derived. This is followed by a description of both loosely and tightly coupled KF-based integration of this reduced inertial sensor system with GPS, including the linearized system model and measurement model for each integration scheme.