Optomechanical Design of a Multilayer Laue Lens Test Bed for 10-nm Focusing of Hard X-rays

A multilayer Laue lens (MLL) test bed was designed at the Argonne National Laboratory for the National Synchrotron Light Source-II (NSLS-II) project at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Argonne and Brookhaven scientists and engineers collaborated to carry out this work in order to achieve NSLS-II's R&D goals of 10-nm focusing of hard x-rays. The test-bed design was based on the experience gained from the Argonne nanopositioning system designed for the CNM/APS hard x-ray nanoprobe project and an MLL test bed at Advanced Photon Source (APS) beamline 26-ID [1-3]. Optomechanical design of the MLL test bed, as well as the preliminary test results for the alignment apparatus and sample base stages' mechanical vibration performances are presented in this paper.