Stall Inception in a High-Speed Low Aspect Ratio Fan Including the Effects of Casing Treatments

The stall inception process in high-speed compressor components is important to understand in order to increase stage loading while maintaining stall margin. This paper presents the results of an in depth experimental investigation on the stall inception of a two stage, high-speed, low aspect ratio fan that is representative of current operational commercial and military fan technology. High-response static pressure measurements are presented which detail the stall inception process of the fan under various operating conditions. These conditions include: varied corrected speeds, a smooth case, a circumferential groove casing treatment, and a recirculating cavity casing treatment. Stage pressure characteristics and radial pressure ratio profiles are presented for the different operating conditions. The stage performance data, together with the static pressure data, are analyzed to provide a clear and thorough understanding of the stall inception process and how the process may vary under different conditions. Experimental results show that a stage may stall on the positive, neutral, or negative sloped part of the pressure characteristic. The three casing treatments had a significant effect on the rotor tip flow and these variations changed the stall inception path of the fan. Stall inception was characterized by the formation of a stall inception cell which grew to fully developed rotating stall. Properties affected by the changing tip flow include the stall inception duration, stall inception cell frequency, existence of modal waves, duration of modal waves, and modal wave frequency. In some instances modal waves appear to play a role in stall inception, in others they do not.Copyright © 1994 by ASME