Production of Macroscopic Cysts by Autogenous Epithelial Implants

('xsts of the implantation type were first described in 1855 (WX IRNHIR, A., Virciotoas Arc/i. pat/i. Anti!., 8:221, 1855). Since then they have iseen recognized as complications following surgical and traumatic episodes. Similar cy sts have been experimentally )rocluce(l ly sulbdermal imlplants of autogenous skin in rats. These cysts were microscopic in size, and a method of prolducing larger cysts for further study of their grow th and expansion seemed desirable (1B. R. B XAKx anti D. F. M ITCHELL, Oral S'g., Oral .;lfed. & Oral Pat/h., 1:49401, 1965). In this study, relatively innocuous gutta lercha disk templates (7 mm. diameter X 3 mm. thick) were attached to the shaved backs of Wistar rats with a non-irritating adhesive resin.* An incision was then made aroun(l the disk, and it and the at-