OdysseyProcessReuse - A Component-based Software Process Line Approach

It is expected that managing process variations and organizing process domain knowledge in a reusable way can provide support to handle complexity in software process definition. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to describe a systematic software process reuse methodology, by combining process reuse techniques, such as Software Process Line and Component Based Process Definition, aiming to increase reuse possibilities. SPrL approach manages the variability aspect inherent to software process domain and CBPD focuses on modularizing the domain process information into process components. The proposed SPrL modelling metamodel and notation address reusable process elements, explicitly representing the variability concept in both process domain structure and behaviour. Based on the results of the evaluation studies, it was possible to get evidences of the approach feasibility, with a higher expressiveness when using the process variability notation proposed, which allow that more semantic concepts inherent to SPrL scenarios can be graphically described. Also, the set of heuristics to support mappings among artefacts in distinct abstraction levels was considered useful to keep the traceability of variability properties, relationships and restrictions. Further research is being conducted to explore ways to support project managers during the decision-making in new software process definitions.

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