The Precision of Anatomical Normalization in the Medial Temporal Lobe Using Spatial Basis Functions

We investigated the accuracy of spatial basis function normalization using anatomical landmarks to determine how precisely homologous regions are colocalized. We examined precision in terms of: (1) the number of nonlinear basis functions used by the normalization procedure; (2) the degree of (Bayesian) regularization; and (3) the effect of substituting different templates and how this interacted with the number of basis functions. The face validity of spatial normalization was assessed as a function of these parameters, using the colocalization of homologous landmarks in a test sample of 20 normally developing children and 5 children with bilateral hippocampal pathology. Our results suggest that when optimal normalization parameters are used, anatomical landmarks in the medial temporal lobes are colocalized to within a standard deviation of about 1 mm. When suboptimal parameters are used this standard deviation can increase up to 3 mm. Interestingly the optimal parameters are those that provide a rather constrained normalization as opposed to those that optimize intensity matching at the expense of rendering the warps "unlikely." The implications of our results, for users of voxel-based morphometry, are discussed.