Developing Sustainable Architecture Education Approaches in Malaysia: A Case Study of Critiques Session in 2nd Year Design Studio of Architecture Department, National University of Malaysia (UKM)

Education is completely linked by spiritual and mental aspects and has direct effect on thoughts and ideas; even it can make a pattern and line behavior for humans’ life. Indeed if educating system be able to has a positive impact on its’ inputs, then it can import its influence to the whole society by its outputs which their number is not less. Especially in art and architecture this influence would be multiple and multilateral, because students are the future designers and peoples’ life will be influenced by them. So we ought to pay more attention to education phenomenon. Limited natural sources and the destructive effects on next generations’ portion attracted the attention of all sciences and different professional majors to find how to generate new sources of energy that they called Sustainable. Architecture as a linked field to other knowledge and sciences was not excepted and like past periods of history, tried to find best solutions and appropriate responses. Today, the definition of sustainable and the domain of it have developed and it is known in vast meanings and categories. Education is one of these categories that it has to be containing the word, sustainable. Sustainable education as a first stage of attitude and effect on future can play an important role. Sustainable Architectural Education and try to trace methods of sustainable architectural education is the target of this paper.