Attack Can Benefit: An Adversarial Approach to Recognizing Facial Expressions under Noisy Annotations

The real-world Facial Expression Recognition (FER) datasets usually exhibit complex scenarios with coupled noise annotations and imbalanced classes distribution, which undoubtedly impede the development of FER methods. To address the aforementioned issues, in this paper, we propose a novel and flexible method to spot noisy labels by leveraging adversarial attack, termed as Geometry Aware Adversarial Vulnerability Estimation (GAAVE). Different from existing state-of-the-art methods of noisy label learning (NLL), our method has no reliance on additional information and is thus easy to generalize to the large-scale real-world FER datasets. Besides, the combination of Dataset Splitting module and Subset Refactoring module mitigates the impact of class imbalance, and the Self-Annotator module facilitates the sufficient use of all training data. Extensive experiments on RAF-DB, FERPlus, AffectNet, and CIFAR-10 datasets validate the effectiveness of our method. The stabilized enhancement based on different methods demonstrates the flexibility of our proposed GAAVE.

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