Marine Fisheries Ecosystem: Its Quantitative Evaluation and Management

Purpose and scope Ecosystem processes and approaches to quantitative simulation of the marine fish component Limitation of models based on primary production and comparison of biomass-based and number-based models Biomass parameters of fish population and distribution of biomass with age Major processes in the fish component of a marine ecosystem and their simulation Formulas and computation procedures of a biomass-based fisheries ecosystem Simulation of plankton and benthos, interactions of fish biota with them and the total carrying capacity of ocean regions Equilibrium biomasses and basic input data Equilibrium biomasses in the eastern Bering Sea at present and Bering Sea biomasses in natural state Environment - biota and interspecies interactions Natural fluctuations in the marine ecosystem Consumption of marine biota by marine mammals in the NE Pacific Ocean Verification and validation of ecosystem simulation Simulation of the fishery in marine ecosystem models Acceptable catch and its estimation Use of ecosystem simulation in fisheries management and research List of symbols.