COALVAL: A prefeasibility software package for evaluating coal properties using Lotus 1-2-3, Release 2. 2. Documentation and user's guide

This US Bureau of Mines report presents the documentation for COALVAL, a coal property evaluation software package developed on Lotus 1-2-3, version 2.2, spreadsheets. The software is compatible with version 3.1 as well, and may provisionally be run on the earlier 2.01 version. COALVAL is a menu-driven program that produces a prefeasibility-level cost analysis of mine-planned coal resources. The package contains cost models for each of five coal mining methods commonly employed in Appalachia: auger, contour strip, mountain top removal, continuous miner, and longwall. Other models, such as a dragline cost model, will be incorporated as the Bureau's Coal Recoverability Program matures. COALVAL allows mine operators, evaluators, consultants, and Government entities to input resource data and the various production, operating, and cost variables that pertain to their property. The program can evaluate up to 25 seams, each to be mined with up to five different mining methods, within a given area. Summary spreadsheets listing the cost per clean ton to mine the resources, f.o.b. the tipple, are produced for each property, seam, and mining method/seam combination.