Teaching over the Internet: Results of One Doctoral Course

Objective Although the Internet is new, many educators see it as a future instructional medium that will rival the face-to-face classroom. Currently, we have very little experience teaching a course using only the Internet. The objective of the course evaluated in this article was to test the feasibility and effectiveness of teaching a semester-long social work Ph.D. course on Technology Supported Practice entirely over the Internet. The course was open to master's of social work and Ph.D. students, and continuing education students. Method Internet tools used included a Web site, listserv, discussion forum, and chat room. Results Findings suggest that the Internet provides ample tools to deliver a course, especially when chat is used. Students report satisfaction and learning similar to a face-to-face classroom. Conclusion The Internet provides an environment rich enough to teach at a level of quality consistent with a face-to-face classroom.