Kesuksesan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi : Sebuah Kajian Empiris dengan DeLone and Mc Lean Model

This study is purposed to examine the relationship of antecedents (system quality, information quality), and the consequences (individual impact and organizational impact) of the information success (user satisfaction, intended to use) by adopting ()stone and McLean model. Them were 150 responden participated in this study. Data were collected by surveys and analized by Structural Equatin Model. The results show that of the eight hypothesized relationships tested, two were found to be significant and the remains (six relationships) were nol significant The model provided strong support for the influence of intended use on the individual impact and the individual impact influenced on the organizational impact. On the other hand, system quality and infomiation quality did not influence on the user satisfaction, and the user satisfaction did not influene on the individual impact. Further research is required to improve model and sampling methods. The llmitabon and the discuss is also supported. Key words: in ormahn success, individual impact organizational impact, system quality, dan Informa-tion quality