
ability to take a big-picture view of manuscripts entrusted to her, and has worked diligently, especially with authors who have English as a second language, to bring manuscripts to the publication stage. The original J-NABS Futures Committee, chaired by Bern Sweeney, recommended a 3Co-editor system for J-NABS, and Pam's appointment will complete that plan. Pam's appointment coincides with an approximately 25% increase in submissions to the Journal in 2002. She will help the Journal maintain its reputation for taking a personal approach, and getting papers to press in a reasonable length of time. We would also like to mention recent changes in our roster of Associate Editors. Dan Johnson rotated off the Editorial Board on 1 June 2002 after serving 2 terms (a term is 3 y). Robert Creed and Donna Giberson resigned as of 1 June 2002. Barry Biggs resigned as of 31 Dec. 2002, as did Walter Hill, who was into his 3rd term. We thank Dan, Robert, Donna, Barry, and Walter for their years of service to J-NABS, and wish them well in their future endeavors. Andrew Boulton, Tom Martin, Chris Pennuto, John Richardson, Al Steinman, and Art Stewart all began their terms during the latter half of 2002. Vince Resh and Bern Sweeney also began in the latter half of 2002 as Associate Editors concerned with policy matters for J-NABS. We thank all the new Associate Editors for joining the J-NABS team, and devoting their time and talents to the Journal. Last, we would like to acknowledge the continuing support of J-NABS by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). DFO has provided a home for the Journal at the Freshwater Institute since mid-1997. Although J-NABS pays its own day-to-day expenses, other infrastructure support received from DFO facilitates operations of the Journal and results in considerable cost savings. We thank John Cooley, Director of Science, Central and Arctic Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Bur-