Towards a monitoring feedback loop for cloud applications

Performance monitoring is fundamental to track cloud application health and service-level agreement compliance, but with the emergence of multi-cloud deployments, it may become increasingly important also to create a feedback loop between runtime operation in multi-clouds and design-time reasoning. This is because the developer needs to acquire more information on the specific performance features of a cloud platform to better leverage its specificities. To support this goal, we have developed a set of open source components that extract quality-of-service (QoS) data from a target Java application using JMX, aggregate it in a time-series database, and finally deliver it in a prototype Java dashboard that may be integrated in a development environment, such as Eclipse, to display either live or historical QoS data. The architecture is not only limited to collection, aggregation, and display of QoS data, but it also allows the evaluation of hierarchical queries expressed using the Performance Trees graphical language. It is our intention that this will provide a cloud-independent uniform interface for developers to specify monitoring queries. Initial evaluation suggests that Cube on MongoDB provides appropriate scalability for this application.